Do you like this video? This article is about upgrades in Mass Effect 2. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. So starting bonuses from prior playthroughs are necessary to get all upgrades. Download all the Mass Effect Femshep armors and outfit mods That's also not taking into account the several thousand you will probably need to spend on probes and fuel. These numbers show that if you maximize your credits and have all the appropriate DLC you will still fall a few thousand short of purchasing all upgrades, not including trinkets. Power cells and med kits are listed because you can get credits from each of them if you are full, but they are not included in the totals. Credits that are optional are listed separately from the totals. This is a list of how many credits are attainable and what missions they are on.

Note: Upgrades tied to squadmates are also unlocked after completing their loyalty mission, regardless of whether their loyalty is gained. The only solution is reload an early save and play the mission again. The upgrade appears to be unusable, however it cannot be researched. Upgrades bought in stores are instantly active and do not need to be researched they are not included in the price progression. See Collector Ship mission for more details. Note: Either one of the following weapons or advanced weapon training can be obtained. Acquiring an upgrade from a store does not change the cost of the research upgrades. So the cost for the first Heavy Pistol Damage upgrade will always be 2, Palladium, regardless of where it is acquired, followed by 5, and 7, for the next two tiers. Note that research costs depend on the number of upgrades researched so far. Note: See Credits by Location for tips on generating more income. The amount of credits available from a normal play-through covering all missions, assignments and current DLC is 1, with a theoretical maximum of 1, if avoiding the use of medi-gel and heavy weapons and choosing Renegade options for credits. When starting a new play-through with a Shepard that beat the game, your upgrades from that previous file won't carry over.

This Upgrade Guide lists the locations and prices for all equipment and power upgrades available in Mass Effect 2.